Being a pastor’s wife is complicated. Church expectations can be unrealistically high. It’s an everyday challenge trying to keep up with family life and church life. You strive to make time for God but it never seems adequate. You wonder where is the “me” that once was? Is there room for me and my dreams? Where is the time for relationship with my husband? Is this the life I felt called to?
Your experience is not unusual. You are not alone. Jesus says, “Come to me and you will have life to the full.” This is a promise for here and now. It’s my desire to come alongside pastor’s wives to affirm, care for, and give practical tools for living life to the full.
I also want your husband to learn how to care for, love on you and live a life with you that is thriving and whole.
Rich and I are here to support, coach couples in ministry to learn how to communicate better, have fun together, dream and grow with God together. We have experienced this and want others to also. Breathe life into your marriage, your family and your relationship with God.
I’m available to listen, encourage, help and coach.
Check out Coaching and Couples Retreat.
You are invited to a shared space with women who, like you, are a pastor’s wife. Experience an understanding community, open conversations and prayer for one another. Groups have a 4-person limit, 4-6 week commitment and covenants to confidentiality.
You can email me at heidijoy@breatheministry.net
I’d love to connect with you,